
Terra Move ™

Terra Move ™

“Cost effective and time sensitive alternatives to utility relocation needs”

Terra Move is a patented process by which underground utilities can be moved up to 20-feet horizontally, 16-feet vertically or combination of the two with NO SPICING and NO INTERRUPTION in service.  Terra Move can accomplish in days what replacement and splicing would require months.  Through the use of its Terra Move systems and equipment, Terra Technologies has reduced its clients’ investment in utility relocations by 50% to 80% over conventional means and methods.

Terra Technologies begins to work for you with a proven Conflict Mitigation and Alternatives Analysis Program. When conflicts are unavoidable and relocation is the only solution, Terra Technologies can leverage the innovative and cost-effective Terra Move™ systems.

  • The Terra Move™ System is utilized when the identified solution requires that infrastructure to be raised, lowered, or horizontally moved from its existing position.
  • The Terra Move™ System may be customized for the environment in which you are working. A myriad of topography, aggregates, and overall intricate circumstances can be overcome.
  • Cost savings from the utilization of Terra Move ™ are recognized not only in project schedule, but also by eliminating the downtime of customers, lessening environmental impact, and budget dollars.

Terra Technologies can partner with your contractor and provide them with the expertise, training and on-site professional support to fulfill your infrastructure relocation needs.  We offer in-house training on the deployment of the Terra Move™ equipment and processes as well as on-site construction management and solution services.

Above Ground:

Project analysis begins with the professionals of Terra Technologies conducting a project evaluation using the time-tested Conflict Mitigation and Alternatives Analysis Program.  Data obtained in this investigation will be utilized to determine the viability of utilizing the Terra Move™ System in those instances where relocation is the most effective solution.

Below Ground:

In those cases where relocation is the most practical means to the preservation of your infrastructure, Terra Technologies will develop a plan and budget to relocate your infrastructure using the industry’s most technologically advanced and innovative relocation system, Terra Move™.


The Terra Move™ System builds upon the platform of Terra Shield™ and utilizes a combination of steel beams, linear slides, and motors customizable for varying conditions. This patented system allows for continuous support and seamless movement of underground utilities.


The Terra Move™ systems and technologies have not only saved our clients up to 80% of the costs for replacement, but these systems have reduced the time required to avoid conflicts and impacts from months of splicing to merely days of relocation and preservation