Field Services
The TES field organization has been working in the telecommunications field since inception, hence we have the experience to help you get the job done, with speed and in accordance with your technical specifications and external regulations. Whether pursuing additional land, taking a site through the regulatory process, inspecting/ performing maintenance on your site, our teams employ best practice to get the job done. Our proven Maintenance Field App (TIA) is changing the face of site inspections and creates an awareness and reporting that tower owners have not previously experienced.

TES brings a level of expertise and a team with many years of experience to help you navigate the complexities involved with site acquisition and related regulatory zoning and permitting issues. You can achieve your goals efficiently and in a timely manner while minimizing any possible disruptions that could emerge during the process. Mount Modifications can require zoning approvals, building permits and the acquisition of additional land for which our team has in depth knowledge to handle for you, in an expeditious manner. In some cases, it might be necessary to complete and submit a zoning and/or permitting application to the local jurisdiction or get a letter approving the work. Whether compound or tower, there are occasions when negotiations with the landlord are required, to amend an existing agreement/lease and our experienced team can help speed up the process.

TES has the capacity to quickly develop the technical drawings to depict the proposed land-use or tower change in accordance with regulatory requirements. Only one site visit is needed when TES is already performing the Mount Mapping or Mount Analysis. We can capture the A&E information and complete the drawings with the completed analyses, ensuring that all documents are aligned. Prior to an actual modification drawing, TES can provide a cost estimate to determine if the customer would like to proceed to drawings. We have a presence throughout the United States and beyond resulting in thousands of completed full turn-key projects.

TES’ nationwide team of experienced field personnel coupled with the best maintenance tool in the industry, put you in the best position to understand what is happening on your valuable assets. TES has helped its clients eliminate millions of dollars of unnecessary spending on maintenance and condition assessments. Whether identified through inspection or the impact of weather-related events, TES can provide and implement remediation solutions.
Our state-of-the-art web-based Maintenance Field App, with portal access, allows 3rd party vendors to capture data, identify capital and maintenance requirements and report back electronically. Not only do our customers have real-time knowledge but it also allows them to authorize minor maintenance at the time of the inspection. The App also streamlines the process for contractors to bid on maintenance projects and plan their work. Additionally, the App supports the marketing of the assets, given that free space on the structure and compound has been confirmed.
TES’ assessment services include Climbing Assessments, UAS Assessments and use of our PII/PMI processes to extend assessment cycles.
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